About Fat Nugz

πŸ³β€πŸŒˆ Bisexual, Single Father, Witch, Content Creator & More

Fat Nugz was born on February 15, 1993, in Fairmont, Minnesota. Despite being raised Christian, he broke the mold in 2006 when he found Paganism. He has been developing his psychic gifts for 15+ years and has given numerous quality readings over the years with positive feedback. He is also an Ordained Minister and Certified Reiki Master Teacher. His content includes but is not limited to Witchcraft Education, BDSM/Kink/Sex/Sex Worker Education, Porn, Gaming, and Life/Lifestyle videos. He also has a passion for graphic design and writing which is showcased via our merch and downloadables. We are always open to constructive criticism via the contact form on this site. We hope you enjoy our content and can’t wait to connect with you.

[18+ Portal]

[Listen to the Audio Poison Playlist on Spotify]